Setup Receipt Printers

Setup Receipt Printers

  1. Login using a managers pin code
  2. Press the menu icon (located at the top left of the screen)
  3. Press "SETTINGS" (located at the bottom of the screen)
  4. Press "Receipt Printers"
  6. Give the Printer a friendly name. For example "Front Bar Printer"
  7. Enter the IP address of your network printer, press "Test Connection". This should print a test if the connection was successful.
  8. Configurations
    1. Sort - How the products on the report will be sorted.
      None = Products will print in order they were processed onto the transaction
      (BUG) Group = Products will display with other products in the same Category Group.
      For example, all drinks will appear under the heading "Drinks" and food will appear under the heading "Food".
      Category = Products will display with other products in the same Category.
      For example, all soft drinks will appear under the heading "Soft Drinks" and starters will appear under the heading "Starters".
    2. (BUG) Consolidate = How each product will be printed, 1 product per line with the total quantity sold or 1 product per quantity.
      If on, the same product will consolidate on one line if multiple of the same product were sold.
      For example. If you sold 4 prints of Fosters the receipt will display as follows;
      4    Pint Fosters     £12.00

      If off, the same product will  print on multiple lines if multiple of the same product were sold.
      For example. If you sold 4 prints of Fosters the receipt will display as follows;
      1    Pint Fosters     £3.00
      1    Pint Fosters     £3.00
      1    Pint Fosters     £3.00
      1    Pint Fosters     £3.00
  9. (UPDATE - Remove option from Receipt) Printer Type
    1. Select the type of printer that will be printing the receipt. Thermal or Dot Matrix.
  10. Auto print = If on then a receipt will print after each transaction. If off, then you will need to press the receipt button on each request.
  11. Ensure you press "Save" after changing any settings.
  12. Pressing "Delete" will remove this printer along with the configuration.
  13. Press the back button to return to the previous screen (located at the top left of the screen)

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