Options Explained

Options Explained

Option Groups are presented to the User or Customer when a product has been selected.

Option Groups can contain options, for example this could be used to inform the chef about particular cooking instructions or notify the bar that the customer doesn't want ice.

Option Groups can also contain products. The products can be displayed with it's standard price  a custom price  or with a zero value.

When selecting a product, option groups will automatically display if one has been assigned.

This Option Groups be configured to ensure that only one option must be selected to continue, have a maximum of two options selected and if can be bypassed if the customer doesn't want a selection.

Deselecting an option will allow you to select an alternative one.

The Option Group can be configured so the customer can select up to 5 fillings, and can select multiple of the same filling.
Pressing Minus on an option will allow you to select an alternative one.

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