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Forgot password
If you have forgotten your password On your device, go to Press "LOGIN" from the menu. Click on the "Forgot password?" link Enter your account email address and click on "Request New Password". You will receive an email with a newly ...
Logging On/Off
You can gain access using a PIN that has been added via the portal under Users. If someone is currently signed on, the previous user will need to be signed off before you will be able to sign in. Pin Enter your Pin when prompted. Once signed on, you ...
Date Range Dashboard Reports
When the dashboard loads, it will display the current days sales data since 12:00am. Date Range When clicking on the "Date Range" button, the below menu will be displayed. On the left side of the menu you will see predefined date selections. Today ...
Add A New Device
Once logged in, navigate to "Devices". Click on "Add New". Select the correct "Device Type". The below are "Clover Terminals". The below are "External POS Terminals". Give you device a name. This will be used on reports and receipts. Select the site ...
Device Setup
Open the NuvolaPOS application Ensure you have created the device on the Portal. Follow the steps here. Back on the App, click on "Get Started", then Continue Depending on the device, you can either scan a QR code or enter a 5 digit code You can get ...